How And Why Youth Need To Prioritize Their Mental Health

by James C.

As we enter the second year of the worldwide and deadly Covid-19 pandemic one issue that has spiked over the past two years has been the mental health of young people. Whether it’s the feeling of isolation, problems within the home, societal pressures, school, grief or feeling unheard, young Americans have had many stresses added to their daily lives due to the pandemic. 19% of youth ages 12- 17 years old nationwide have experienced moderate to severe depression since the start of the pandemic. Nationally it has become apparent that there is a grim crisis in the mental state of this nation's next generation. Despite the statistics, there is hope as with delicate time, patience and care that many of these trends can be reversed. If the U.S is to rise above the damages and trauma that the pandemic has brought then prioritizing the mental health of young people must be a priority.

Why Mental Health Is Important

  • Mental Health is a vital component in maintaining good overall health at every stage in life.

  •  Our mental state affects how we think, act, feel and socially interact with others. 

  •  Doctors and scientists have found links between poor mental health and increased likelihood of physical diseases.

  •   There is a link between depression and diabetes, heart disease and strokes. 

  •  Mental Health experts say that 1 in 25 Americans live with major mental illness like depression or bipolar disorder.

Given the fact that mental illness is very common in this nation especially amongst young people there is a real need for healing and change in the mental state of millions of Americans. If change isn’t enacted, then statistics regarding suicide, depression, poor social skills, severe or fatal physical diseases will continue to rise nationally. It is especially important for young Americans to acknowledge mental illnesses and fully take time to learn, cope and heal from their mental struggles.

Ways for Youth to Cope with Mental Illness

1. Remain Physically Active

Regular exercise is very important for keeping the brain, heart and vital organs healthy. As exercising daily has been linked to increased levels of dopamine or feel good receptors within the brain. Experts say that a moderate 30 minutes of daily exercise is recommended for good overall health. There are links between regular physical activity and improved sleep, mood and mental state. Exercise doesn’t have to be a sport or something very strenuous as walking, gardening, bike riding and housework are forms of exercise as well. 

2. Pursue a Passion Project

Whether it’s writing, dancing, acting, speaking or sports, taking time to pursue passions has been linked to improved mental health. Having a hobby or job that is in alignment with a passion of yours is great for stress relief, mood and expression of creativity. Pursuing passions is great for achieving a feeling of fulfillment and purpose.

3. Healthy Eating

Although for many the process of attempting to eat healthy is often challenging or undesired, it is vital to keeping good health. The food we eat affects our brain function, mood, energy levels, blood flow and quality of sleep. Healthy eating has been linked to improved mental capacity and overall function. Eating healthy is also linked to improvements in mental illnesses such as depression and brain dysfunction.

4. Daily Reading

Reading a book for just 30 minutes daily is one of the best things one can do for improving their mental health. Reading allows you to keep your brain active which improves memory and vocabulary. Regular reading has linked to increased self esteem, reduced anxiety and stress as well as improvements in reducing depression. Reading daily is a very powerful tool in the fight against mental illness. 

5. Take a Break

Sometimes it’s okay to do nothing as at times the best thing for your mental health is walking away from whatever stresses you out at the moment. If tasks or responsibilities become draining or stressful then sometimes a simple step away is the best option. Slowing things down and allowing your mind and spirit to rest allows for your mental state to recoup and recover.

6. Accept Who You Are

We are all unique in our own special ways and sometimes it can be challenging to be different from those in your peer group. Being able to accept what makes you unique increases your confidence and your self esteem. Many people feel isolated, stressed or depressed when feeling as though they don’t fit in. The best thing for your health is to love yourself and everything that makes up because only when you embrace your uniqueness can you begin to heal.

Prioritizing your mental health is the most important action a person can take in order to stay happy, motivated, strong and determined. The mind is the strongest part of the body as how you think controls how you act. We live in a very stressed, anxious and depressed nation and especially in the case of young Americans. The youth have felt the full weight of the stresses of living in a worldwide pandemic. Many have found themselves with little to no social skills, working in order to support their families or dealing with immense grief from losing family due to Covid-19 or rising gun violence in many cities. The mental health of this nation, especially the younger generations, is key to recovering from the devastation the pandemic has brought.

Want to learn about a nonprofit that helps the youth cope with mental health? Check out our interview with the founder of Project Coping Box!


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